O-Talk Streaming Schedule in August - Lịch phát trực tuyến O-Talk Tháng 8
O-Talk 6: How to explore your mental space- So you can be yourself
O-Talk 5: "Today a reader, tomorrow a leader"
O-Talk 4: Outlookers and their four problems of learning
O-Talk Episode 4 on June 24, 2018: "Study Smart and Keep Calm"
O-Talk Episode 3 on June 17, 2018: "How to improve your learning with Visual Mnemonics?"
Reference Reading: What is a mnemonics?
Reference Reading: Visual Mnemonics: Applicable examples for studying languages and sciences
O-Talk Episode 2 on June 3, 2018: Parenting Outlookers - How to Motivate peer tutoring among siblings?
Reference Reading: Older & Younger Siblings Help Each Other Develop Empathy In Childhood & Over Time, According To A Study
O-Talk Episode 1 on May 27, 2018: Parenting Outlookers - How to Understand Adolescents